This is really a hard pill to swallow but sometim es the most toxic people or demotiv ating peo ple will be your closest ones and in many cases very own guardi ans. Communic ation gap or generat ion gap can be it's major cause ..It really took a lot of time to accept that sometim es the most bad vibes I'll get will be from my own parents..And this is really heartbrea king. My parents groomed me along with my anxiety, lack of confidence and insecurities.And they really need a lot of observational changes and results to realise that their daughter has now been evolved. She is not the same . To change their mind and narrow mindedness is most difficult. The chaos and discomf ort..The setbacks and detours are never going to end .Each time u think u have chang ed the universe will throw a test on you ..A su rprise test ..Which u shou ld never skip. As "the only way to avoid a situa tion is to face it." Keep going keep trying until u compl etely get the new you. Igno...
A daily phenomenon blog for daily motivation and inspiration to evolve and learn with personal experiences and lessons. Here,to spread positivity ✨