Hey readers! How is life? I hope everyone is doing well.🌸
So the topic that I've decided for today's post is the defence system of your intellect (not body, as you already know well about that science)
All of us spend most of the time with our mind talking , procastination, overthinking and many more.
We develope good as well as bad images of our situations, future or past.
But , have you ever thought what's your thoughts and mind reflex to outer emotions or trauma that's experienced by us in day today life.
Or say situations always are not that bad ,so think of a good memory, a b'ful memory, but that doesn't requires any Defence System.!
Obviously it requires you to think ,respond all along with your proper senses.
So the reason why I thought of this topic was to bring my conclusion that may be good to know or,to be precise Read .
So, whenever your friend, sibling, parents share their views about something with you, you resonate with them. You listen ,you share your views and communicate in a healthy way.
It has Never came as any sort of Offense or hate to you.🍁
But what happens when you notice that someone is being a blamer or offender to you.
Do you think twice ? Same as you rethink when any intellectual conversation is going on between your acquaintances or a close friend of yours.
You Don't .
As soon as you notice some backfire or any sort of Offense i.e your intellect gains signal of you being offended,.The Defence System of your thoughts come to an action.🙌
Without thinking again,you eventually becomes a defender of your own and use your words to contrast the offence that you picked .
Isn't it?
I'm not telling you to blindly listen without using your brain or not picking up the messeges your brain tells you.
But, sometimes things are not the same as you see.🌼
For example, The person whome you think is offending you is trying to make a genuine point to you that you need to ponder upon.
Or say, any bad habbit of yours that needs to be finally end.✨
Sometimes, it just needs your precise observance to a situation.
Before draining your all energy unnecessarily, try to observe and sort is that your own emotional baggage burdening your mind and thoughts or is this a Intentional Offense.
Also, people can offend each other either intentionally or unintentionally but when it comes to them , it becomes hard pill to swallow.
Either Being straight to the point you ask them if they are offending you! And sometimes the person is as transparent as you expected while asking and agrees!
Lol. Generally not .
And sometimes it's all in your head.
As they say, the only limit to your capability is what you sets on your mind.
Having said that,
Train your intellect to truly reflect the situation
So that you will me more resonating and at uttermost peace.
Stay healthy, active and positive.🎀
Stay tuned 💟